Turn miles
into money

Sign up to drive with Lyft.

Sign up to ride

Already applied? Check the status of your application here.

Earn money for inviting friends to drive. Learn more.

A ride in minutes

Request a ride and you’ll be on your way in minutes. Request. Ride. Repeat.

Serious about safety

From knowing the color of your driver’s car to our 24/7 Trust & Safety Team, we got you.

Happy drivers.
Happy riders.

Ride with us and you’ll see why 9 out of 10 rides end with five stars.


Amplify your ride

Lyft's new emblem, Amp is the secret to smooth pickups. Lighting up dashboards nationwide, the device makes it easy for passengers and drivers to find each other.



In an animated short film by Academy Award-winner John Kahrs, a lonely widow in historic South Chicago is empowered to start sharing the ride - and sharing her life, too.


A good think going

Lauching on TV and online, "Tide on the Brigth Side" shows how Lyft continues to prioritize happy drivers, shorts ETAs, and safety.